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King of Babylon: The Anti-Christ

Writer's picture: thebibleisinclusivethebibleisinclusive

Hello friends! If you have been keeping up with my past blog posts, then you know that I have been studying revelation to figure out the end times timeline. I have already discussed the Antichrist's wife (who is portrayed as the Whore of Babylon), so now I want to discuss the Antichrist. And honestly, I don't know if this is spiritual warfare to prevent me from speaking about him, or just general uninterest, but I find his story to be so boring. Besides the way his story begins, it's really just giving basic evil dictator. To give a general summary of everything that he will do: he will take over the world, oppress the nations, get everyone to worship Him, and kill everyone who is against him. He won't even do his own dirty work. I discovered recently after researching his storyline, that it will be his wife who does most of his dirty work in order for him to get into power. So he doesn't even come into power on his own. But to give y'all some context on what I think the political landscape will look like when the Antichrist comes into power, (so you can better understand his story), I believe, that the kingdom that takes over the world during the tribulation will be a kingdom that is comprised of 10 smaller kingdoms that is unified by one ruler over all ten kings. Sort of like the United Nations ordeal, but if they had one ruler that was above every other ruler that was present. This Grand Kingdom will have multiple rulers over the course of 3.5 years and will have a peace treaty with nations for 7 years. The Antichrist will be the last "supreme" ruler over this grand kingdom and he will break the peace treaty that was made. But as y'all know, I do not say anything without a scripture, so let's get into the scriptural backing and storytelling of the Antichrist's life during the Tribulation.

Anti-Christ’s Characteristics/Story

1.The Grand Kingdom Will Be Comprised of Smaller Kingdoms

“This calls for wisdom and understanding. The seven heads are seven hills, on which the woman sits. They are also seven kings: five of them have fallen, one still rules, and the other one has not yet come; when he comes, he must rule only a little while. And the beast that was once alive, but lives no longer, is itself an eighth king who is one of the seven and is going off to be destroyed. “The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet begun to rule, but who will be given authority to rule as kings for one hour with the beast. These ten all have the same purpose, and they give their power and authority to the beast.

Revelation 17:9‭-‬13 GNTD

2.The Grand Kingdom Will Have A “Peace” Treaty And The Kingdom Will Have Faux Peace

That ruler will have a firm agreement with many people for seven years, and when half this time is past, he will put an end to sacrifices and offerings. The Awful Horror will be placed on the highest point of the Temple and will remain there until the one who put it there meets the end which God has prepared for him.”

Daniel 9:27 GNTD

3.The Treaty Will Be Broken

The king of Babylonia stands by the signpost at the fork of the road. To discover which way to go, he shakes the arrows; he consults his idols; he examines the liver of a sacrificed animal. Now! His right hand holds the arrow marked ‘Jerusalem’! It tells him to go and set up battering rams, to shout the battle cry, to place battering rams against the gates, to throw up earthworks, and to dig trenches. The people of Jerusalem won't believe this because of the treaties they have made. But this prediction is to remind them of their sins and to warn them that they will be captured.

Ezekiel 21:21‭-‬23 GNTD

4.The Antichrist Will Be The Fourth AND The Eight King To Rule

The bible explains that this grand kingdom will have 8 Kings in total that will rule it. The Bible also says that the eighth King will be one of the previous seven, AND that the Antichrist will overthrow 3 Kings in order to get into power. So that will make him the 4th and 8th King to rule the Grand Kingdom.

“This calls for wisdom and understanding. The seven heads are seven hills, on which the woman sits. They are also seven kings: five of them have fallen, one still rules, and the other one has not yet come; when he comes, he must rule only a little while. And the beast that was once alive, but lives no longer, is itself an eighth king who is one of the seven and is going off to be destroyed.

Revelation 17:9‭-‬11 GNTD

The ten horns are ten kings who will rule that empire. Then another king will appear; he will be very different from the earlier ones and will overthrow three kings.

Daniel 7:24 GNTD

5.The Antichrist Will Trick His Way Into Power

Because he is cunning, he will succeed in his deceitful ways. He will be proud of himself and destroy many people without warning. He will even defy the greatest King of all, but he will be destroyed without the use of any human power.

Daniel 8:25 GNTD

The angel went on to explain: “The next king of Syria will be an evil man who has no right to be king, but he will come unexpectedly and seize power by trickery. Anyone who opposes him, even God's High Priest, will be swept away and wiped out. By making treaties, he will deceive other nations, and he will grow stronger and stronger, even though he rules only a small nation. He will invade a wealthy province without warning and will do things that none of his ancestors ever did. Then he will divide among his followers the goods and property he has captured in war. He will make plans to attack fortresses, but his time will soon run out. By deceit the king will win the support of those who have already abandoned their religion, but those who follow God will fight back.

Daniel 11:21‭-‬24‭, ‬32 GNTD

6.He Will Get His Wife To Do His Dirty Work

When I realized this about him I was pretty surprised, but at the same time it sounds like the Devil to pass stuff off to other people. His wife will woo 3 Kings to sleep with them and she will either ruin or kill them to get them to fall.

Once I was looking out the window of my house, and I saw many inexperienced young men, but noticed one foolish fellow in particular. He was walking along the street near the corner where a certain woman lived. He was passing near her house in the evening after it was dark. And then she met him; she was dressed like a prostitute and was making plans. She was a bold and shameless woman who always walked the streets or stood waiting at a corner, sometimes in the streets, sometimes in the marketplace. She threw her arms around the young man, kissed him, looked him straight in the eye, and said, “I made my offerings today and have the meat from the sacrifices. So I came out looking for you. I wanted to find you, and here you are! Come on! Let's make love all night long. We'll be happy in each other's arms. My husband isn't at home. He's on a long trip. He took plenty of money with him and won't be back for two weeks.” So she tempted him with her charms, and he gave in to her smooth talk. Suddenly he was going with her like an ox on the way to be slaughtered, like a deer prancing into a trap where an arrow would pierce its heart. He was like a bird going into a net—he did not know that his life was in danger. She has been the ruin of many men and caused the death of too many to count. If you go to her house, you are on the way to the world of the dead. It is a shortcut to death.

Proverbs 7:6‭-‬15‭, ‬18‭-‬23‭, ‬26‭-‬27 GNTD

The kings of the earth practiced sexual immorality with her, and the people of the world became drunk from drinking the wine of her immorality.”

Revelation 17:2 GNTD

7.He Will Get Into Power To Rule For 3.5 Years

He will speak against the Supreme God and oppress God's people. He will try to change their religious laws and festivals, and God's people will be under his power for three and a half years.

Daniel 7:25 GNTD

The beast was allowed to make proud claims which were insulting to God, and it was permitted to have authority for forty-two months.

Revelation 13:5 GNTD

8.He Will Die And Come Back To Life

One of the heads of the beast seemed to have been fatally wounded, but the wound had healed. The whole earth was amazed and followed the beast.

Revelation 13:3 GNTD

That beast was once alive, but lives no longer; it is about to come up from the abyss and will go off to be destroyed. The people living on earth whose names have not been written before the creation of the world in the book of the living, will all be amazed as they look at the beast. It was once alive; now it no longer lives, but it will reappear.

Revelation 17:8 GNTD

9.When He Comes Back To Life He Will Be Possessed By The Devil

He will grow strong—but not by his own power. He will cause terrible destruction and be successful in everything he does. He will bring destruction on powerful men and on God's own people.

Daniel 8:24 GNTD

The beast looked like a leopard, with feet like a bear's feet and a mouth like a lion's mouth. The dragon gave the beast his own power, his throne, and his vast authority.

Revelation 13:2 GNTD

10.People Will Worship Satan Because Of This

Everyone worshiped the dragon because he had given his authority to the beast. They worshiped the beast also, saying, “Who is like the beast? Who can fight against it?”

Revelation 13:4 GNTD

11.They Will Worship Him Also And He Will Believe That He Is God

Everyone worshiped the dragon because he had given his authority to the beast. They worshiped the beast also, saying, “Who is like the beast? Who can fight against it?”

Revelation 13:4 GNTD

All people living on earth will worship it, except those whose names were written before the creation of the world in the book of the living which belongs to the Lamb that was killed.

Revelation 13:8 GNTD

You were determined to climb up to heaven and to place your throne above the highest stars. You thought you would sit like a king on that mountain in the north where the gods assemble. You said you would climb to the tops of the clouds and be like the Almighty.

Isaiah 14:13‭-‬14 GNTD

“The king of Syria will do as he pleases. He will boast that he is greater than any god, superior even to the Supreme God. He will be able to do this until the time when God punishes him. God will do exactly what he has planned. The king will ignore the god his ancestors served, and also the god that women love. In fact, he will ignore every god, because he will think he is greater than any of them.

Daniel 11:36‭-‬37 GNTD

12.He Will Take Over The World

This is the explanation I was given: “The fourth beast is a fourth empire that will be on the earth and will be different from all other empires. It will crush the whole earth and trample it down.

Daniel 7:23 GNTD

The Lord has ended the power of the evil rulers who angrily oppressed the peoples and never stopped persecuting the nations they had conquered. Now at last the whole world enjoys rest and peace, and everyone sings for joy.

Isaiah 14:5‭-‬7 GNTD

13.He Will Conquer Nations And Oppress Them

The Lord has ended the power of the evil rulers who angrily oppressed the peoples and never stopped persecuting the nations they had conquered. King of Babylon, bright morning star, you have fallen from heaven! In the past you conquered nations, but now you have been thrown to the ground. The dead will stare and gape at you. They will ask, “Is this the man who shook the earth and made kingdoms tremble? Is this the man who destroyed cities and turned the world into a desert? Is this the man who never freed his prisoners or let them go home?”

Isaiah 14:5‭-‬6‭, ‬12‭, ‬16‭-‬17 GNTD

14.He Will Target And Oppress God’s People

He will speak against the Supreme God and oppress God's people. He will try to change their religious laws and festivals, and God's people will be under his power for three and a half years.

Daniel 7:25 GNTD

Anyone who opposes him, even God's High Priest, will be swept away and wiped out. The king of Syria will return home with all the loot he has captured, determined to destroy the religion of God's people. He will do as he pleases and then return to his own land. The Romans will come in ships and oppose him, and he will be frightened. “Then he will turn back in a rage and try to destroy the religion of God's people. He will follow the advice of those who have abandoned that religion. Some of his soldiers will make the Temple ritually unclean. They will stop the daily sacrifices and set up The Awful Horror. Wise leaders of the people will share their wisdom with many others. But for a while some of them will be killed in battle or be burned to death, and some will be robbed and made prisoners. Some of those wise leaders will be killed, but as a result of this the people will be purified. This will continue until the end comes, the time that God has set.

Daniel 11:22‭, ‬28‭, ‬30‭-‬31‭, ‬33‭, ‬35 GNTD

It began to curse God, his name, the place where he lives, and all those who live in heaven. It was allowed to fight against God's people and to defeat them, and it was given authority over every tribe, nation, language, and race.

Revelation 13:6‭-‬7 GNTD

15.He Will Be Just Plain Evil

“When the end of those kingdoms is near and they have become so wicked that they must be punished, there will be a stubborn, vicious, and deceitful king. He will grow strong—but not by his own power. He will cause terrible destruction and be successful in everything he does. He will bring destruction on powerful men and on God's own people. Because he is cunning, he will succeed in his deceitful ways. He will be proud of himself and destroy many people without warning. He will even defy the greatest King of all, but he will be destroyed without the use of any human power.

Daniel 8:23‭-‬25 GNTD

16.He Will Honor Those Who Support Him

To defend his fortresses, he will use people who worship a foreign god. He will give great honor to those who accept him as ruler, put them into high offices, and give them land as a reward.

Daniel 11:39 GNTD

17.He Will Be Praised By The People Who Are Brainwashed

You used to be honored with the music of harps, but now here you are in the world of the dead. You lie on a bed of maggots and are covered with a blanket of worms.’”

Isaiah 14:11 GNTD

18.He Will Betray His Wife Which Will Result In Her Death

Because men are trash (but especially the Devil) the Antichrist will betray the person who did his dirty work.

I have seen a vision of cruel events, a vision of betrayal and destruction. Army of Elam, attack! Army of Media, lay siege to the cities! God will put an end to the suffering which Babylon has caused.

Isaiah 21:2 GNTD

The ten horns you saw and the beast will hate the prostitute; they will take away everything she has and leave her naked; they will eat her flesh and destroy her with fire.

Revelation 17:16 GNTD

19.His Kingdom Will Fall

He cried out in a loud voice: “She has fallen! Great Babylon has fallen! She is now haunted by demons and unclean spirits; all kinds of filthy and hateful birds live in her.

Revelation 18:2 GNTD

20.He Will Die For His Crimes

“The world of the dead is getting ready to welcome the king of Babylon. The ghosts of those who were powerful on earth are stirring about. The ghosts of kings are rising from their thrones. You said you would climb to the tops of the clouds and be like the Almighty. But instead, you have been brought down to the deepest part of the world of the dead. All the kings of the earth lie in their magnificent tombs, but you have no tomb, and your corpse is thrown out to rot. It is covered by the bodies of soldiers killed in battle, thrown with them into a rocky pit, and trampled down.

Isaiah 14:9‭, ‬14‭-‬15‭, ‬18‭-‬19 GNTD

Then the heavenly court will sit in judgment, take away his power, and destroy him completely.

Daniel 7:26 GNTD

He will even set up his huge royal tents between the sea and the mountain on which the Temple stands. But he will die, with no one there to help him.”

Daniel 11:45 GNTD

The beast was taken prisoner, together with the false prophet who had performed miracles in his presence. (It was by those miracles that he had deceived those who had the mark of the beast and those who had worshiped the image of the beast.) The beast and the false prophet were both thrown alive into the lake of fire that burns with sulfur.

Revelation 19:20 GNTD

21.His Family Will Die

Because you ruined your country and killed your own people, you will not be buried like other kings. None of your evil family will survive.

Isaiah 14:20 GNTD

“Listen to this, you lover of pleasure, you that think you are safe and secure. You claim you are as great as God— that there is no one else like you. You thought that you would never be a widow or suffer the loss of your children. But in a moment, in a single day, both of these things will happen. In spite of all the magic you use, you will lose your husband and children.

Isaiah 47:8‭-‬9 GNTD

After a number of years the king of Egypt will make an alliance with the king of Syria and give him his daughter in marriage. But the alliance will not last, and she, her husband, her child, and the servants who went with her will all be killed.

Daniel 11:6 GNTD

22.He Will Be Mocked By God’s People

When he does this, they are to mock the king of Babylon and say: “The cruel king has fallen! He will never oppress anyone again!

Isaiah 14:4 GNTD

So that's everything that I've discovered about the Antichrist. Much like his wife, he too is a terrible person that will be punished and condemned for the evil that he has committed to many people, but especially God's people.

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